Morse Code Definition
Alphabet | |||
Letter | Code | Letter | Code |
A | •- | N | -• |
B | -••• | O | --- |
C | -•-• | P | •--• |
D | -•• | Q | --•- |
E | • | R | •-• |
F | ••-• | S | ••• |
G | --• | T | - |
H | •••• | U | ••- |
I | •• | V | •••- |
J | •--- | W | •-- |
K | -•- | X | -••- |
L | •-•• | Y | -•-- |
M | -- | Z | --•• |
Numbers | |
Number | Code |
0 | ----- |
1 | •---- |
2 | ••--- |
3 | •••-- |
4 | ••••- |
5 | ••••• |
6 | -•••• |
7 | --••• |
8 | ---•• |
9 | ----• |
Punctuation | ||
Name | Code | Character |
Period | •-•-•- | . |
Comma | --••-- | , |
Question Mark | ••--•• | ? |
Equal Sign | -•••- | = |
Hyphen | -••••- | - |
Forward Slash | -••-• | / |
at sign | •--•-• | @ |
Special symbols (prosigns)
Prosigns are dot/dash sequences that have a special meaning. They are composed of two Morse code alphabetic characters "run together"; that is, that omit the normal pause that would occur if they were being sent as two letters of text. They are normally represented in print by the two letters, often with a ligating bar above them.
AR •-•-• Stop (end of message), often written + AS •-••• Wait (for 10 s), respond with C (yes) AS2 means wait 2 min, AS5 5 mins, etc For pauses of 10 min or longer, you must use QRX (see "Q" code definitions) K -•- Invitation to transmit (normally follows AR to indicate 'back-to-you') SK •••-•- End (end of contact), sometimes written VA BT -•••- Separator, sometimes written = SN •••-• Understood
Not really prosigns, an error may be indicated by any of:
••••••• Error, correct word follows (defined to be any letter with at least six or more dots in a row) • • • Error (unofficial) •• •• (same)
Non-English extensions to the Morse code
å •--•- ä •-•- à •--•- (also å) é ••-•• ch ---- ö ---• ü ••-- " •-••-• ! ••--• ß •••--••
Commonly used Morse code abbreviations
Abbreviations differ from prosigns in that they observe normal interletter spacing; that is, they are not "run together" the way prosigns are.
AA All after (used after question mark to request a repetition) AB All before (similarly) ARRL American Radio Relay League ABT About ADS Address AGN Again ANT Antenna BN All between BK Break (to pause transmission of a message, say) BUG Semiautomatic key C Yes CBA Callbook address CFM Confirm CLG Calling CQ Calling any station CS Call sign CUL See you later CUZ Because CW Continuous wave CX Conditions DE From DX Distance (sometimes refers to long distance contact) ES And FB Fine business (Analogous to "OK") FCC Federal Communications Commission FER For FM From FREQ Frequency GA Good afternoon or Go ahead (depending on context) GE Good evening GM Good morning GND Ground (ground potential) GUD Good HI Laughter HR Here HV Have LID Poor operator MILS Milliamperes NIL Nothing NR Number OB Old boy OC Old chap OM Old man (any male amateur radio operator is an OM) OO Official Observer OP Operator OT Old timer OTC Old timers club OOTC Old old timers club PSE Please PWR Power QCWA Quarter Century Wireless Association R I acknowledge or decimal point (depending on context) RCVR Receiver RPT Repeat or report (depending on context) RST Signal report format (Readability-Signal Strength-Tone) RTTY Radioteletype RX Receive SAE Self addressed envelope SASE Self addressed, stamped envelope SED Said SEZ Says SIG Signal SIGS Signals SKED Schedule SN Soon SOS international distress call SRI Sorry STN Station TEMP Temperature TMW Tomorrow TNX Thanks TU Thank you TX Transmit U You UR Your or you're (depending on context) URS Yours VY Very WDS Words WKD Worked WL Will WUD Would WX Weather XMTR Transmitter XYL Wife YL Young lady (used of any female) 73 Best regards 88 Love and kisses